

Follow The Zen


rich key on May 28, 2019 at 10:49 pm.Yes I believe it is as well. We really have something big here of course we need to get Affiliates and fans and interested golfers that just want to tap into their Zen…

Our Unique Formulation

Entering the topicals marketplace requires a deep understanding of this market’s unique quirks — a commodity lotion infused with CBD might not cut it. Success here is similar to how it unfolds in the traditional topicals marketplace. Aroma, effects, texture,…

BBC article

“In 2019 we have worked harder than ever before on ‘prehabilitation’ – getting the body ready to perform so there’s few chances of injury, higher performance levels, more ability to get the body to move properly.”        

The Senior Scramble


The Senior Scramble is a new and exciting program created for amateur golfers, ages 50 and older, with the goal of “relaxing” the game. Seniors will play on two-player teams in a scramble format (Doubles Golf™), which allows for a…