Here are 10 problem areas to be aware of.

1. Wrist/Hand (Tendinitis, Fractures, Arthritis)
2. Nerve Injury
3. Elbow (Tendinitis, Golfer’s Elbow, Tennis Elbow)
4. Headaches
5. Neck
6. Shoulder (Rotator Cuff Strain, Labral Tear)
7. Lower Back (Disc Herniation, Sciatica, Muscle Strain)
8. Hip (Sprain, Strain, Arthritis)
9. Knee (Cartilage Damage, Sprains, Strains, Arthritis)
10. Ankle/Foot (Tendinitis, Plantar Fascitis, Sprains)
• Increase your accuracy and lower your handicap
• Increase your swing speed
• Improve your flexibility and ballance
• Increase your strength and power
• Decrease the chance of golf related injury
• Improve your physical capability
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD stands for cannabidiol. It is an extract from cannabis plants (yes, you heard that) known to be a cure all for many ailments. CBD does not get you high. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive chemical compound in cannabis that gets the user high. Chemically speaking, the two substances are very similar, but due to a slight difference in structure, one gets you high and the other doesn’t. Isn’t chemistry fun?
There are multiple species of cannabis plants, but the two you’ve (probably) heard of are hemp and marijuana. CBD is generally extracted from hemp due to its incredibly low levels of THC. It can be extracted from marijuana, but this form of CBD is prohibited in many states. This has to do with the levels of THC in each of the plants with marijuana plants having higher levels of the substance.
Is CBD Oil Legal?
After the passing of the farm bill in 2018, CBD became legal in all 50 states. National law states that hemp-derived CBD from a plant with less than 0.3% THC is legal as long as it follows the state’s regulations. CBD can be shipped across state lines as long as it adheres to the 0.3% or less THC content, and that means it must be extracted from industrial hemp plants.

What Does Any of This CBD oil stuff Have to Do with Golf?
For golfers, many of those ailments listed above are a daily fight, be it mentally or physically. CBD oil just may help you with any health issue you have. Both Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, are well-known to have aches and pains, so CBD is an easy choice with it being allowed in the PGA. If you think you want to give it a shot, there are dozens of products on the market for you to choose from.
Most opt for taking CBD oil orally. Some are designed to be diffused under your tongue while others should be added to food or drinks for ingestion. Plain CBD oil may have somewhat of an herb-y taste that is off-putting for some, so flavored tinctures are also available for a better aftertaste. CBD oil has also been incorporated into gummy candies, chocolates, and even some cocktails! Ingesting CBD is great for long term use, but it takes awhile to really kick in.
Buy CBD Products Here
For a faster effect, inhaling CBD is the way to go. However, it also wears off much quicker. Vaping oils, e-cigarettes, or any other inhalant form of CBD heats the oil so it can be inhaled. These products may have a slight cannabis scent, but they still do not contain THC.
Lastly, topical creams and ointments are a way to incorporate CBD into your daily regimen. For any pain you may have, muscle-related or not, these lotions can be used to decrease the pain much like an arthritic pain cream would.
Be it overly strained muscles, sore knees, or Golfer’s Elbow, CBD oil just may be the answer you’ve been looking for. If it can help Tiger Woods win the Masters, it must be something good.
Finish 18 Holes Pain Free
Finish 18 Holes Pain Free
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